Abstract Art Workshop, Outback Birdsville

Artist and teacher, Peter Griffen, facilitates the chance for fellow artists and students to discover something new, to work in another way , investigate the possibilities uninhibited mark making opens up,  analyze chaos and access the subconscious to produce potent imagery. Many artist attend his workshops to “free up”.

The Birdsville hall will be the studio and the outback the inspiration. Participants, local, and from far and wide, will begin with abstract exercises then move out of the studio and respond directly, en plein air, to world around them. Paint will be supplied by the sponsor, Matisse Derivan. Paper will also be supplied with canvas on tap. Participants will be encouraged to use a wide range of other materials such as found objects from the desert and to engender information gleaned from this historic town.

Peter Griffen has been painting for nearly 40 years; he has exhibited several times in London and Paris, also in St Tropez, Lyon and extensively throughout Australia. Recently he has also been tutoring his unique workshops in urban and rural Australia as well as New Zealand and Italy. Next year he plans to tutor during an art fair in Norwich, UK, and again in Italy and possibly in LA.

02 9564 5828

0402 11681