Pagliacci Inspiration

Etching Print 20 x 25 cm [BACK TO PREVIOUS PAGE]

Email or Ph: 0413 007 054 about "Pagliacci Inspiration" by ANNE SMITH


Anne Smith artist print maker, a list of Ann Smith Paintings, Etchings, Prints, Monotype works, available till sold,

The Embrace
The Ring
The Unicorn
Anne Smith,The flight
The Mirror
The Castle
The Golden Horse
Transformation II
The Miller’s Tale II
Constance goes to Syria
Constance finds a home
Constance returns to Rome
The Pardoner
Mono types,
Mdm Butterfly 1.
Mdm Butterfly 2
Mdm Butterfly 3
Mdm Butterfly 4
Mdm Butterfly 5
Straw Hat
Beret with Rose
Ballet Dancer -resting
Alice -tea party
Montmartre 1850
Yellow Flowers
lilac flowers
Red Flowers
Nocturne with Parrot
Paris Street – Montmartre
Montparnasse, Paris
Pussycat to the Owl
Onegin – Olga
White Azealeas
Girl in Paris Mosque
Harpsicord and cellist
Couple dancing
Apartment, Paris II
Couple, Montparnasse
Waiter, Montparnasse
Paris restaurant
Girl with parrot II
odalisque wih screen
odalisque with shawl
girl with parrot III
girl with tatoo II
girl with stars.
Little Briar Rose
Le Petit Chaperon Rouge
Hansel and Gretel
The Juniper Tree
Whoever Drinks Me
The Star Money
The Singing Soaring Lark
The Piper at the Gates of Dawn
Musicians and Peacock
Odalisque III
Odalisque IV
Australian Fantasy III
Owl and Pussycat
The Tortoise and the Hare
Le Corbeau et le Renard
Woman with red stole
Two Women
Woman with Green Blouse
Anne Smith, Red Rose
Anne Smith, Istanbul Cats I
Istanbul Cats II
Istanbul Cats III
Istanbul Cats IV
Istanbul Cats V
Click to see a bigger picture
Tristram and Isolde
Artist and Model
The Kiss
The Bouquet
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Coppelius’s Workshop I
Coppelius’s workshop II
Coppelius’s workshop III
Lobster Quadrille
Eugene Onegin I
Eugene Onegin II
Lola and Santuzza
Lola and Turridu
Queen of the Night
Pamina I
Pamina II
Papagena I
Papagena II
Gang gangs and parrots
Lions and leopards
Pamina and Tamino
Lovers in the forest
Burlesque II
Burlesque I
Burlesque III
Burlesque IV
Drummer Boy
Sad Clown
The Juggler
Jackdaw confesses
Cellist I
Cellist II
Odalisque II
Doctor of Physic
The Awakening
Click to see a bigger picture
The spell is cast
The Message
Midsummer Night’s Dream III
Midsummer Night’s Dream IV
Garden Pathway
Garden Seat
The Lanes I
The Lanes II
Central Park
Central Park Autumn
After Degas
Ballet Dancer I
Ballet Dancer II
Ballet Dancer III
Ballet Dancer V
Windmills II
The Lion
The Sheep
The Flight
The Knight
Journey I
Journey II
The Journey II.
Montparnasse Brasserie, Paris
Brasserie Lip,Paris
Rue Caulaincourt cafe
Near Delacroix’s studio, Paris
Click to see a bigger picture
Olga -after Picasso
Montmartre Cafe
Anne Smith, Model in Orange
Anne Smith,oung Girls Glide in their Dreams
Anne Smith,The Music of The Spheres
Anne Smith,Tortoise shell comb
The Lanes, Wentworth Falls
Garden Maple
Garden Ferns
Anne Smith, Still life with Roses
Anne Smith, Still Life with Orchids
Birds of a Feather
Click to see a bigger picture
Anne Smith, A Sense Sublime
Dreams of The Garden of Eden
Anne Smith, Ballet Russes
after Durer’s ‘Young Hare’
Click to see a bigger picture
Hear The Invisible Star Fall
Visions of The Belle Epoch
Anne Smith, Montparnasse 1900
Tea in Paris
Click to see a bigger picture
Paris Brasserie
Musee D’Orsay
Bright with Oranges
Model with Orchids
Click to see a bigger picture
Anne Smith, Paris-reflections
Afternoon Click to see a bigger picture
In The Timeless Morning
Anne Smith, Still life with puppet
Click to see a bigger picture
Anne Smith, Mandalay Puppet I
Mandalay Puppet II-SOLD
Anne Smith, Burmese Days I
Anne Smith, model in blue
Click to see a bigger picture
Hoofing Bloomered in the Moon
Anne Smith, Istanbul Cats I
Anne Smith, Istanbul Cats III
Anne Smith, Istanbul Cats IV
Click to see a bigger picture
Anne Smith, Toulouse
Anne Smith, The Dancers
Anne Smith, Pensive Odalisque
Vence, France
Orange Dress
Anne Smith, Follies I
Anne Smith, Follies II
Anne Smith, Peacocks II
Click to see a bigger picture
Anne Smith, The Red Bouquet
Anne Smith, Dancer I
Anne Smith, Dancer III
Model with books
The Window
Anne Smith, Olympia V
Anne Smith, Ringmaster ,
Arabian Nights – Aladdin
Arabian Nights – Scherherezade
Arabian Nights – Sinbad
Arabian Nights – Sultan
Australian Fantasy I
Australian Fantasy II
Four Wild Men Carrying A Wooden Horse
Pagliacci – Contemplation
Pagliacci – Fascination
Pagliacci – Inspiration
Pagliacci – Resignation
Pagliacci – The Circus Performers
Pagliacci – The Lovers Meet
Pagliacci – The Lovers Tryst
The Show Goes On
The Awakening
The Bouquet
The Castle – Squires Tale
The Embrace – Squires Tale
The Fight – Squires Tale
The Knight of the Woods
The Mirror
The Mirror – Squires Tale
The Ring – Squires Tale
The Windmills I
The Windmills II

Email or Ph: 0413 007 054 about "Pagliacci Inspiration" by ANNE SMITH

Copyright © ANNE SMITH