Logo on Framed Container train fine art print

Framed Container train with Jeffrey Smart Logo [BACK TO PREVIOUS PAGE]

Email or Ph: 0413 007 054 about "Logo on Framed Container train fine art print" by JEFFREY SMART


“Container train in the landscape” is a fine art limited edition print by Australian iconic artist Jeffrey Smart, the image shown here at Etching House is of a section from the Framed Container Train print to show 1) the frame molding  2)  the Jeffrey Smart copyright digitally reproduced signature in the lower right, this signature is NOT HAND signed, hence the price, it is limited in edition to 499 only, each Jeffrey Smart works has this authentic copyright logo and digital signature, Container Train is available at Etching House Framed or unframed.

These limited edition fine art digital reproduction prints are made for Jeffrey Smart by his designated authorized printer.

The partial showing framed image shows the 42mm by 35mm white timber molding, this particular image size is a custom frame; the work is over 1.8 meters long and requires oversize sheets to be framed properly.

Etching House relies on a specialist framer with very competitive pricing; if uncertain on framing and or technique of framing then its best to see your own framer or find one in your local area.


Delivery of Jeffrey Smart Container Train is made locally in the metro area free if possible, Etching House ship Jeffrey Smart fine art limited edition etchings and prints all over Australia.

The Logo above is Jeffrey Smart‘s copyright logo signature, the signature appearing on the lower right is not hand signed or the price would be relative.

We are proud to help the archive work find a place in Australian Homes, Etching House has been successful in promoting many Australian Iconic artist works like Norman Lindsay, Garry Shead, John Olsen and now proudly Jeffrey Smart in reaching the Australian community, there is not a lot of money in these works but we love what we do, we do what we love. Etching House is not the printer, please not the printing is done by a qualified professional printer of Jeffrey Smart’s own choice and all works are strictly numbered and controlled under copyright law.

Email or Ph: 0413 007 054 about "Logo on Framed Container train fine art print" by JEFFREY SMART

Copyright © Jeffrey Smart